Drone Property Inspection
Schedule a Drone Inspection Today!
Drone Department Managers

Brittany Postma

Drew Martin
During a drone inspection, the drone will take pictures of your roof and then those images will be analyzed by an OBJECTIVE artificial intelligence. Meaning that the damage that is picked up by the artificial intelligence is not making a decision on any bias to any party for their benefit. On a traditional adjustment, which is the step in the process where an adjustor comes out to look at the extent of your damage and decides if insurance will cover the damage or not, unfortunately adjustors tend to be subjective a lot of the time. This leads to many properties not being covered by insurance, costing customers thousands of dollars, even though there is a sufficient amount of damage. However, luckily for you, our drone roof inspections almost completely eliminates all subjectivity in the inspection and adjustment process which means if you have damage!
One of the main reasons we use the drone is because it makes the inspection process almost 100% objective! Meaning, unfortunately you may have an adjustor come out to look at your property and subjectively say there is no damage which would result in your property not getting fixed. However, now because Premier Plus Storm Team utilizes the drones, we are able to put together an extensive report showing all of the damage detected by the drone, through a very prestigious artificial intelligence software, to ensure that your insurance company is covering the total extent of your damage! We also utilize the drone technology because it is much safer for our inspectors and also much more efficient.
The drone inspection process is almost entirely autonomous and the drone flight is done in less than 20 minutes. First, our FAA certified drone pilots will come out and fly your property. During that flight, the drone will capture many images of your properties roof, which those images will then be analyzed by the artificial intelligence to detect any damage. After the damage is detected, we have our Drone Report Specialist confirm/deny any damage that was detected by the artificial intelligence to ensure that the damage included on your inspection report is 100% accurate. The Drone Report Specialist will then create the report and it will then be sent to you by your assigned inspector.